Vrindavan Chandrodaya Mandir offered a grand festival of 'Phoolon ki Holi' for the pleasure of Sri Radha Vrindavanchandra on Saturday, 12th March 2022. The celebrations took place at The Riviera in the IT hub of Gurugram. The event saw an attendance of more than 3000 devotees.
The festival began with the devotees singing the Hare Krishna Mantra and was followed by a devotional music concert by musical prodigy Kum. Maithili Thakur and her team.
The celebrations continued with a pushpa abhishek to Their Lordships accompanied by melodious kirtans. His Grace Sri Chanchalapathi Dasa, President of Vrindavan Chandrodaya Mandir inspired the audience with a spiritual talk and felicitated the distinguished guests present at the event.
The festival ended with a pallaki utsav followed by a sumptuous prasadam feast to all the attendees as a fitting finale.
Here are some pictures from this memorable event. –