If due to any circumstances or personal reasons you have to cancel your Pilgrimage tour, the cancellation request must be sent to us in writing. Send an email to us at hrcd@vcm.org.in OR brjd@vcm.org.in

The following cancellation charges shall be payable by the pilgrim on cancellation of the pilgrimage:

  • 0-6 days before Pilgrimage Tour Date - 100% of the total cost (No Refund)
  • 7-14 days before Pilgrimage Tour Date - 75% of the total cost (25% Refund)
  • 30-45 days before Pilgrimage Tour Date - 50% of the total cost (50 % Refund)
  • >45 days before Pilgrimage Tour Date - 20% of the total cost (80% Refund)

If the passengers discontinue journey while on tour, it should be given to the organizers in writing, unused portion of the tour amount will not be refunded. VCM Pilgrimage Department, reserves rights to cancel seats.

If the pilgrimage is cancelled by us, amount paid by you will be fully refunded by A/c payee cheque, but no compensation is payable for consequential loss suffered. You may receive the amount only after 30 days of Cancellation. No refunds will be made for non-working of A/C units of the coaches/rooms while on tour.